Sunday, March 10, 2013


Why women are still weaker beings?Why they are still discriminated?Why men look at them as if they're objects to play with?

Such questions arise in every women's mind but unfortunately she can't find answers to them.Today women is a target of honor killing,rape,kidnap,infanticide all cases of mere violence.And somewhere we ourselves are reason behind all this.In such a male dominated society a women doesn't understands another women.We can never see the progress of our co-worker.Like,If at workplace someone gets promoted,we think "How can she ? she's not even capable of having a good job".If a women wear short skirts or something like the only word that comes in our mind is "she's a SLUT".Why do we think like that?why can't she wear what she wants?why can't she go out at late hours?

Though we are trapped in drama of relationships,We're so much tangled in it.From a good mother to a good sister,from a good lover to a good friend.We just want every relation to be perfect and that's why we give our 100% in every relation.but what do we get in return? Our brothers can't keep us in their house after our parents.Recently, i heard some news which put me in distress.It was that a father raped her nine year old daughter and then killed her.When a father who gave birth to her daughter can't respect her then who will respect her? Who will understand such a small kid?Her emotions?
At home we sacrifice for our brothers,fathers or husbands.At work we sacrifice for our coworkers or friends just to get obliged.And as a result of this,we don't understand our importance.When a women can't understand what she is,then who will?And then we expect from men to respect us,love us.So you should fight for yourself.

In the end i would just say don't forget "YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD"