Sunday, November 20, 2016

Tired Of Being Adviced All The Time?

A large number of people have transformed themselves to GURU’s. They are a bunch of people who can advise you for anything and everything. From food to medical, from health to wealth, these people can give advice's for free. And sometimes, it goes on to such an extent that you forget to listen to your inner voice. This becomes a major issue when you start believing that you are good at nothing. Hence, their comes a point in life when people become anti-social, get depressed, suffer from tensions and heart-attacks or some major problems.
Now, the bunch of people who were giving free advice's, never realized the pressure that the victim is going through. They never understood the outcome of it. Suppose, let us take a scenario of an unsuccessful person. This person is not the one who is unsuccessful by choice, he/she is the one facing this  by chance. If we do, something by choice, we become capable enough to handle the consequences of it. But if we get into something by chance, then we just find solutions and fall into the pool of the advice's given by that bunch of people. They will make you realize that you are just good at nothing. Without knowing, the amount of effort given by the person. In such situations people go under pressure and look out for ways, they should probably not. This won’t affect anyone else but just you.
The best thing is, listen to everyone but do what your heart says. Always do what your inner voice says, no matter what. Never leave yourself alone. When in such situations people do feel that, they have nobody to talk, nobody would understand. Because there are many to give free advice's but none to listen. So just do what your heart says, and when it says nothing just relax and meditate. When things are not going the way you want them too, even after all your efforts, just try in some other direction.

The harder It Gets, The more you want it.
When you try too much to make things alright, they often go wrong. As by then, you want them more. And hence, it takes you away from it. So, when the you can’t get something that makes you happy, find your happiness in something else. Rather than trying and putting all your efforts in single direction. If you can’t get it, stop trying for it. Look for something else that makes you happy, and maybe this way, you could get everything.

When nothing goes right, go left.
Because life is too short to worry! 

Thursday, October 15, 2015


If you are one of active netizens, it is unlikely that the words Net Neutrality have escaped your daily dose of social media updates and news.

Well, this is something that affects everyone, including you. If you’re not okay with having to pay additional money every month to use apps like WhatsApp, Google Hangouts, Instagram, Facebook, Skype and all the others you spend a lot of your time on, this is an issue that should bother you, and one you should be concerned about. As the citizens of our country it is our duty to fight for ourselves.

As Gandhiji said, “Let each do his duty. If I do my duty, that is, serve myself, I shall be able to serve others.”

So, if we are not getting something that we should, then we have to work for it and stand for our right, take actions towards getting it. Well, generally every individual has different point of views, different perspectives of analyzing things. What we see as a pro, the other person may see it as a con. If half of the population would fight for net neutrality, others may stand against it.

The other day, I was reading an argument against net neutrality which mentioned that “ ISPs (Internet Service Providers) generally want to prevent illegal file     swapping over their networks, both due to the legal issues and for basically the same bandwidth reasons”

So, if they really want to prevent illegal file swapping they could take more actions towards it rather than just declining the service for everyone else. All content on the internet is equal, all accessible at the speed you’re paying for. Once you have an internet connection, you must get the right to access almost every single thing on the internet. But Telecom operators in country want to change that. They have approached the TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) to be allowed to provide differential internet access to users all over the country. Which means, that above the amount you pay for your internet connection, you will have to pay money to access different websites and apps. And if you don’t pay up, your internet connection will be slowed down and at worst, you will be denied access to the content altogether. Which is nowhere a fair deal with the users.

Now, to further continue this debate let me tell you that what actually, net neutrality is? And what are we debating for?

What is net neutrality?
Net Neutrality is the Internet’s guiding principle: It preserves our right to communicate freely online. This is the definition of an open Internet.

From Wiki:
Net neutrality is the principle that ISP’s and Government should treat all the data equally. There will be no discrimination between two sites, or no website would be favored over other.

Net neutrality implies that all internet data pack should be treated equally. Also, that there should be no fast or slow lanes for Internet, or that users should pay differently for accessing some websites.

Net Neutrality means an Internet that enables and protects free speech. It means that Internet service providers should provide us with open networks — and should not block or discriminate against any applications or content that ride over those networks. Just as your mobile service provide shouldn't decide who you can call and what you say on that call, your ISP shouldn't be concerned with the content you view or post online.
Who’s attacking net neutrality?

Net Neutrality opponents are working everywhere from Congress to the courts to dismantle or undermine the FCC’s Title II classification. In the wake of the February ruling, 10 lawsuits designed to gut Net Neutrality have been filed (Free Press has jumped in to defend the rules) and legislators have introduced numerous deceptive bills that would demolish these protections.  

Though apart from normal users just like you and me, there are several others for whom net neutrality is important.Net Neutrality is crucial for small business owners, startups and entrepreneurs, who rely on the open Internet to launch their businesses, create a market, advertise their products and services, and distribute products to customers. We need the open Internet to foster job growth, competition and innovation.

But the main problem with our country is that a layman would never stand for his right even if he sees something is not right. Ours is a country where discrimination has played a major role since early ages till today. On one hand we talk about digital India and and on the other we don’t even have the right to access what we pay for. Why?
This is probably because we, as citizens of India do not take actions. And even if we do, we have to compromise because of the one’s involved in decision making.
In countries other than India, they have free Wi-Fi access all over and In India we don’t even have the access for what we pay.

Discriminatory pricing proposals are what activists fear could take place if India abandons its stand on Net Neutrality, and users will be the one to suffer.

It’s not about being traitorous and judging the country but the point is every one of us should take actions towards this and help change the picture of India. It is fair to argue that Net Neutrality has helped preserve the Internet’s free and open character in India and that a deviation from the same will hurt users the most. We in India brag about our rights but not to forget we need to provide Internet access to more of our citizens especially those who can’t afford it.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Every Woman Needs To Change- Happy Women's Day!

On this women’s day,I would like to share some of my views about women in India.There’s a lot said on how men should change their behavior towards us,they should treat us as individuals not as objects,we should get the same love,care,affection what we give them.But in my dear country,there are number of things that women needs to change about themselves.

First of all, the stubborn, fragile and pampered Indian male ego is a tough nut to crack.So dear women,stop hoping that this will be easy.That's why start making some efforts on your own.

Firstly,every woman needs to change her behavior towards other woman.Suppose,if a fat woman enters some room the first one who passes comment on her is another woman not a man.If a woman has cooked badly,then its a women trait to comment on her dish first.Women are hard on themselves but they are harder on each other.If a woman cannot accept another woman then how can we expect that these men would accept us.If we cannot respect each other than why do we expect from these men to respect us?Why are we being so hard on each other?

While we were learning to speak, our mom understood everything we tried to say. Today we speak a lot & claim “mom,u don’t understand!” How life changes.N so do WE.. Love & Respect all Women (mother, sister, friend, etc)

Then secondly,we the women of India,pamper our kids,husbands and other family members so much that they get habitual towards it.We’re so much trapped in these relations that we often ignore ourseleves.Relationships are vital.  Being a good mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend and lover are extremely important. However, don’t get too tangled. You have another relationship, with yourself. Don’t sacrifice so much that you lose yourself.We laugh at men jokes,even if they aren't  funny.We often sacrifice our properties or our shares for our loving brothers or husbands.Why?Why can’t you live on your own?

Behind every successful man is a woman who is getting ahead of him!

Like every individual,a woman also have some ambitions,some dreams that she wants to complete but she often sacrifices them for their family.Why? If you’re passionate about something why don’t you just complete it?Why don’t you make some efforts to fulfill them?

In our poor country,I still pity those who are living in small towns or villages,where a mother kills her daughter in her womb.If it’s a boy she lets him take birth and live like a prince but if it’s a girl she doesn’t even let her come to this world.

She wants a free sky,
Where she can fly
She don’t ask for the wings,
Just break up her rings

Today,everything has changed.They say our country has developed to some extent though its still a developing one,but what about our Indian minds?What about their development?
It's still lagging behind.If we as women will not change our selves and our behavior towards each other,then nothing will change.

Hope this blog will help to change the minds of few of the Indians.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

What Do You Want From Life?

 “Waiting hurts. Forgetting hurts. But not knowing which decision to take can sometimes be the most painful...” 

Everybody wants what feels good. Everyone wants to live a care-free, happy and easy life, to fall in love and have amazing relationships, to look perfect, make money, be popular, well-respected and admired.

But have we ever thought what do we want from our life? What are we willing to struggle for? Why do we do so much hard work? and in the end we’re achieving NOTHING.
While de-boarding the metro today, these thoughts occupied my mind. Sitting in the corner and looking at everyone around me, I just realized that everyone’s running like someone has to rush for office , for schools or for colleges .Everyday we are just running ,nobody is satisfied .If someone is rich ,has a lavish house, a marvelous lifestyle his life is still not complete due to some personal issues, health problems or something like that.  On the other hand if someone is poor his life is incomplete because of money. So everyone is struggling in one way or the other.

Maybe we don’t actually know what do we really want from our life. If someone tell us choose a certain course, you’ll earn big bugs we do that. If someone says go and visit that country you’ll enjoy, we go there. I mean why can't we decide on our own? Because we haven’t ever  thought that what do we want from ourselves. People want to become successful entrepreneurs but nothing goes without taking risks. Be positive and follow your dreams .Don’t let negativity bring you down.

If one really wants something and believe one can get it than will surely get it. No matter what circumstances we have to face but in the end you always get what you want. But the only need of the hour is to sit calmly and think what do we want to do and just go in the direction of your dreams.

As they say “where there’s a will, there’s a way” but you need to find that way out. Nothing good in life comes easy," we've been told that a hundred times before. The good things in life we accomplish are defined by where we enjoy the suffering, where we enjoy the struggle.

People want a boyfriend or girlfriend. But you don't end up attracting amazing people without loving the emotional turbulence that comes with weathering rejections, building the  tension that never gets released, and staring blankly at a phone that never rings. It's part of the game of love. You can't win if you don't play. But if you really wait for it, you want it from the core of your heart then you'll surely get it. But just make an effort to bring it on the right track. Face few troubles, listen to other peoples opinions but don't do exactly what they say. Do what your heart says, Just listen to your heart and go with the flow.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


The most important person in our life would be our mother. She is the one that carries us for about 9 months without a single sigh. The one, who gave birth to us without complaining about all the pains, she went through. Our mother is one of the people we must respect and love. For me, my mother is the best mother in the world.

Everyone knows that mothers are the most precious gift of God. But do we ever realise her importance in our life? Have you ever thought what would your life be without your mother? What sacrifices she has made for us? What have we given to her in return?

To be honest, like every other child even I never thought about it earlier. But today, when she fell ill and she wasn't around me, the thought of life without my mom made me cry. We become so busy in our lives that we forget there’s someone who is thinking about us every moment; someone who is waiting for us at home; someone who stays up till we don’t reach home safely. Even today when I stayed with her in the hospital, she was worried about me. But what have I given to her in return other than worries..

Today, when I look at my home without my mom, I don’t find anything good in it, there’s emptiness all around. Our mother is someone who fights for us at every moment of her life. She cares for us selflessly, but as we grow up, we stop giving her the love, the care, the respect she deserves. When she is with us, we fight with her for every small issue. But today, when she’s not with us, we’re missing her badly. I have realized that she selflessly takes care of her family. But no one thinks about her. This happens with every mother, every housewife, every woman.

But we should realise her value, before its too late

The relationship of a mother and a daughter
 Is A very special bond that spans for years,
Through laughter, worries and smiles,
A sense of trust that can’t be broken,
A depth of love sometimes unspoken
,A lifelong friendship built on sharing,
A link that can never be undone…!

This blog is dedicated to my mother, who is fighting with a severe disease these days and in these few days I realized what she means to me. So I just hope that she gets well soon..

Miss you mumma :*

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Why women are still weaker beings?Why they are still discriminated?Why men look at them as if they're objects to play with?

Such questions arise in every women's mind but unfortunately she can't find answers to them.Today women is a target of honor killing,rape,kidnap,infanticide all cases of mere violence.And somewhere we ourselves are reason behind all this.In such a male dominated society a women doesn't understands another women.We can never see the progress of our co-worker.Like,If at workplace someone gets promoted,we think "How can she ? she's not even capable of having a good job".If a women wear short skirts or something like the only word that comes in our mind is "she's a SLUT".Why do we think like that?why can't she wear what she wants?why can't she go out at late hours?

Though we are trapped in drama of relationships,We're so much tangled in it.From a good mother to a good sister,from a good lover to a good friend.We just want every relation to be perfect and that's why we give our 100% in every relation.but what do we get in return? Our brothers can't keep us in their house after our parents.Recently, i heard some news which put me in distress.It was that a father raped her nine year old daughter and then killed her.When a father who gave birth to her daughter can't respect her then who will respect her? Who will understand such a small kid?Her emotions?
At home we sacrifice for our brothers,fathers or husbands.At work we sacrifice for our coworkers or friends just to get obliged.And as a result of this,we don't understand our importance.When a women can't understand what she is,then who will?And then we expect from men to respect us,love us.So you should fight for yourself.

In the end i would just say don't forget "YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD"